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Rolled Flooring

Why is Rolled Rubber Flooring So Versatile and Cost-Effective?

Z-Cycle flooring in Bears gym under equipmentYou could find rolled rubber flooring used in a variety of applications. Wrestling rooms use rubber flooring to prevent broken bones. Gyms opt for rubber to avoid costly damages to floors. Skating rinks utilize rubber to increase safety in addition to protecting floors. The applications are endless!

What is it about an unassuming rubber roll that makes it such a versatile and cost-effective flooring material? Check out these three reasons why rubber is so popular:

  1. Shock-absorption:To conceptualize the microscopic structure of rubber, imagine the common sponge that’s used to wash dishes. A sponge can be described as porous with many crevices due to the interweaving material. All of those holes allow the sponge to flex and absorb pressure, only to spring back to shape soon after. Rubber works in the same way, except the material is much more tough and durable.

    Thus, rolled rubber flooring is applicable for many uses, especially ones that are subject to force or impact. Rubber can reduce the impact of someone falling down on the mat. It can prevent heavy tools from damaging a floor. Rubber can even reduce the vibrations coming from an operating treadmill!

  2. Gym with Z-Cycle flooring with exercise machines on top Traction: When it’s extracted straight from the “Para” rubber tree, rubber already possesses a high coefficient of friction. This inherent quality of rubber has been utilized in applications that require increased safety measures. For example, a rubber roll usually lines the walkways around a skating rink. The blades will not slip on the rubber due to the mat’s grip and the slight amount of flex in the mat will give extra foothold.
  3. Durability: Rubber is a very tough material, as evidenced by its uses as tires on vehicles and soles on shoes. It is impervious to liquids and debris and can take a physical beating while still maintaining its integrity. This characteristic is as much a functional quality as it is a cost-effective quality of rubber.

Rolled rubber flooring is a versatile solution that may be an ideal flooring option for many applications. The shock-absorbing quality of rubber introduces safety and protection anywhere you lay it. Added safety is offered by rubber’s innate slip-resistant properties. For such premium features, a simple rubber roll is an extremely cost-effective investment. Installing rubber flooring is an easy DIY project that does not require professional installers or messy adhesives. Now, for a more difficult question: Why wouldn’t you choose rubber flooring?